Muay Thai Articles

Muay Thai vs BJJ

Muay Thai vs BJJ

From a glance, one would say that Muay Thai and BJJ are two martial arts with nothing in common. But if you look a little deeper, Muay and BJJ do share a few small similarities. Let’s put Muay Thai vs BJJ and see how the two different martial arts match up with one another. Going…
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Muay Thai vs Boxing

Muay Thai vs Boxing

Two striking martial arts that commonly get compared with one another are Muay Thai and boxing. Both striking arts go hand in hand with one another but have some big differences between them. Let’s match them up and see what the similarities and differences are between Muay Thai vs boxing. Going over the history of…
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Muay thai shin conditioning

Muay Thai Shin Conditioning

Muay Thai fighters are formidable warriors, striking rapidly with lethal force. The art of eight limbs, as it is otherwise called, uses eight points of contact: two hands, elbows, knees, and shins. Muay Thai shin conditioning is absolutely essential to your training, especially since they are abundantly used in offensive and defensive tactics. You need…
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