Muay Thai Diet

Muay Thai Diet: What Do Muay Thai Fighters Eat?

Thai boxers are some of the fittest and healthiest athletes on the planet. This has led many to look up what a Muay Thai diet is.

Here’s a breakdown of what a typical Muay Thai diet looks like and why it’s used. Going over different details about this diet, from what fighters can eat to the number of meals a fighter eats.

What is a Muay Thai Diet?

There really is not a Muay Thai diet that all Thai boxers follow. They more or less follow the same guidelines but their own diets.

Since Thai boxers train multiple times daily, they need to eat nutrient-rich, low-calorie food. Eating this type of food and plenty of water replenishes the fighters and prepares them for the next session.

Do Fighters Follow the Same Muay Thai Diet?

Let me reiterate again that no one fighter follows the same diet. The top Muay Thai fighters have personalized diets to meet their nutrition needs and preferences.

Many of the young up-and-coming Thai boxers do not have a personalized diet. They eat whatever their trainer provides them, generally rice or pasta mixed with protein and maybe fruit.

The Micronutrients of a Muay Thai Diet

A Muay Thai diet has a very straightforward approach to what you can eat. In training for the sport of Muay Thai, a fighter needs to consume low-calorie and nutrient-rich meals multiple times per day. They eat a wide variety of different proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.


Carbs are the prime energy source of a Thai boxer. They will eat a high amount of carbohydrates that consist of everything from rice, pasta, potatoes, and grains.

Generally, one of these carbs will be a base for their meals that are accompanied by veggies and meat.


Muay Thai Food

Lean protein consumption is a must in a Muay Thai diet. Proteins not only help a fighter’s muscles grow but also repair them. 

Depending on the fighter, they will eat a combination of any of these types of lean proteins.

  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Beef
  • Lamb
  • Turkey
  • Eggs
  • High-Protein Veggies


Thai boxers will consume a high amount of fat to keep their energy up between training sessions. When they get a quick break between rounds during training, they will eat small snacks that are high in fat.

Some of the fats that Thai fighters consume include:

  • Nuts
  • Avocado
  • Seeds
  • Coconut
  • Peanut Butter
  • Energy Bar

Permitted Drinks

Thai fighters generally stick to the rule that they only consume natural drinks. They will predominantly drink over a gallon of water along with whatever juices they like. Many fighters will also drink tea and coffee in order to get energy from the caffeine.

The Timing in a Muay Thai Diet

Since Thai boxers train multiple times daily, they also have to eat multiple times daily. This is the only way that they can keep their energy levels up and continue training.

The timing of their meals falls into two categories.

  • Pre-Training Meals
  • Post-Training Meals

Pre-training meals for a Thai boxer are low-snacks that are high in carbs to keep muscles from breaking down.

Post-training meals are more protein-rich with juice or water, which repairs muscles and replenishes glycogen.

How Many Times Per Day Do You Eat on the Muay Thai Diet?

On a Muay Thai diet, a fighter can eat anywhere from 3-6 meals per day. The number of meals depends on the dietary needs of the fighter.

If a fighter is in a fight camp, they will generally eat over five meals a day to replenish their energy. Allowing them to go through multiple training sessions per day.

Muay Thai Diet

The Hydration in a Muay Thai Diet

Fighters drink high volumes of water throughout the day on a Muay Thai diet. Meeting their hydration needs and allowing their bodies to operate optimally.

Most Thai boxers will drink well over a gallon of water daily when training hard. Many of them will also drink various types of juices, coffee, or tea to replenish nutrients and elevate their energy levels.

Supplements in a Muay Thai Diet

On a Muay Thai diet, the supplementation depends on the fighter’s level. The fighters that are sponsored or can afford it use a variety of different supplements.

They use everything from vitamins, protein powders, BCAAs, or creatine to fill their nutritional gaps.

Foods to Avoid on a Muay Thai Diet

The only rule of a typical Muay Thai diet is that fighters avoid eating processed foods. A fighter’s trainer will encourage them to avoid processed foods full of sugar and various chemicals. These types of foods will have a negative effect on their energy levels and overall health.

Muay Thai Diet During Fight Week

During fight week, the Muay Thai diet of a fighter will be altered. Fight week is also weight-cutting week, so they will have to lower their calorie intake and gradually lower their water intake.

They have to make these alterations in order to make weight and not be deducted any of their pay.

Post-Fight Meals on a Muay Thai Diet

After a fight, a fighter’s body is depleted of all its energy and is beaten up. They will look to replenish their bodies by consuming high-calorie meals filled with proteins and fats.

Many fighters will have a cheat meal after a fight and consume things they wouldn’t normally eat. Partaking in anything from barbecue, fried chicken, or beer after a fight.

The Muay Thai Diet of Superbon Banchamek

Thai boxing superstar Superbon Banchamek posted a video of his usual Muay Thai diet. Here’s a breakdown of all of his meals and why he eats them.

First Meal (Pre-Training)

Superbon’s first meal is a pre-training meal that he does before his running routine. It consists of two pieces of wheat bread, a banana or various fruit, and honey. This meal gives him the energy to run 6-8 km and then do rounds of bag work.

Second Meal (Pre-Training)

His second meal will be another pre-training meal that is just a small snack before weight training. He will drink a large glass of coconut water along with regular water and eat a large banana. The coconut and banana replenish his salt and potassium levels.

Third Meal (Post-Training)

Banchamek’s third meal is a post-training protein shake. He will only drink 100% isolated protein after weight training.

Fourth Meal (Post-Training)

After a shower, Superbon will have his post-training breakfast meal; that’s his fourth of the day. This will be higher higher-calorie meal that consists of a mixture of proteins, carbs, and fats. In the video, Superbon shows in the video he was eating salmon mixed with rice, pork, and veggies.

Fifth Meal (Pre-Training)

After sleeping for a few hours, Superbon will wake up at 1 p.m. and have a pre-training lunch. This will be a carb-heavy meal that consists of fruits, honey, or almond milk. Once he eats this small meal, he’ll be ready for his next workout.

Sixth Meal (Pre-Training)

The sixth meal of Superbon’s day is a repeat of his first meal of the day.  He eats this meal again to increase his energy levels before his sparring session.

BCAA Drink (Pre-Training)

After his first rounds of sparring, Superbon will take a rest and drink water mixed with BCAA powder. This is to put some amino acids in his body and give him energy before his next rounds. He chooses not to eat anything so as not to weigh him down or possibly get nauseous.

Protein Drink (Post-Training)

Immediately after his last training session, Superbon will drink a protein drink to help his muscles recover. The timing of getting this drink in has to be immediate for his body to optimally absorb the protein.

Seventh Meal (Post-Training)

After taking a shower and resting, Superbon will have dinner, which is his final meal of the day. It will look similar to his meal during breakfast and consist of various proteins, carbs, and fats

Superbon’s Supplements

Since Superbon is one of the top Thai boxers in the world, he takes the best supplements. He generally takes his supplements right before he sleeps at 10 p.m.

What Superbon takes includes:

  • Calcium Supplements
  • Vitamin B Supplements
  • Cod Liver Oil
  • Vitamin C

Would I Benefit From Using the Muay Thai Diet?

The Muay Thai diet is a simple guideline that fighters use, consisting of organic foods eaten within multiple daily meals. Following this diet will improve your overall health and even improve your performance in the gym. You won’t be Superbon, but you will feel better.

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